Contact Us


Our office hours/phone hours are 10:00am – 5:00pm

If you have a life threatening emergency please call 911.

If you need to reach us before or after hours, please call us at 514-777-4530 and we will make every attempt to get back to you before next business day.

Please call or email for:
an appointment for an individual or a group information session regarding our fees and general information regarding counseling services.

If you have any questions regarding our products or services, please email us at or use the contact form below.


West Island Officemap
Brunswick Medical Center
955 St-Jean Blvd., Suite 300
Pointe-Claire, Quebec
H9R 5K3
514-777-4530 or 514-796-4357


Book Online

Online booking now available for your convenience!


Call Us!

To find out more information about our services or to receive a FREE 15 minute consultation (no obligation), please call:

Phone: 514-777-4530
Skype: mcad2011

To change, rebook or cancel your existing appointment, please call 514-777-4530


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