
Sandra Reich

Clinical Director of Montreal Center of Anxiety and Depression, Co- Director Empowered Women Workshops, Co-Director of Anxiety Videos, An Anxiety and Stress Management Expert, Relationship Specialist, Radio Personality and Author

If you are looking for a dynamic and inspiring speaker, please download Sandra’s press kit here

Sandra Reich is the Clinical Director of the Montreal Center for Anxiety and Depression and Co-Director of Empowered Women Workshops.

Well known as a specialist in Anxiety, Depression, Self-esteem, Emotional Intelligence, Work and Personal relationships. Sandra has dedicated her life to understanding behaviors, human nature and our relationships in general.

Sandra Reich, M. ED has received extensive training from the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Clinic for Anxiety Disorders at The Montreal General Hospital. She has participated in workshops and lectures with pioneers of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy such as Aaron Beck, Albert Ellis, David Burns, Martin Seligman, Steven Hollon and David Barlow. She has also presented workshops and training in Emotional Focused Therapy with Dr Sue Johnson, Dr John Gottman and Leslie Greenberg- all innovators of this type of therapy.

Sandra holds a Master’s degree (with honors) in Counseling Psychology from McGill University and she is a Canadian Certified Counsellor.

Her expertise on the impact of Anxiety and Depression and what to do about it has been featured on various TV shows including Discovery Health, Bravo, APTN, and Global. Sandra has been featured regularly on The Aaron Rand Show and the Dr Laurie Betito show.. She writes a monthly column in the Suburban called: Sandra’s Strategies for Life and Well- Being.

Her expertise is well known and she is often summoned to be an expert witness in court on the role of Anxiety and Behaviour.

Sandra’s new book “How Cinderella Grew up and Became a Happy Empowered Woman” was released on March 26th, 2014, and became an instant #1 best seller on Amazon! The book is a fascinating exploration of women’s roles in relationships, considering the socialization of women from a fairy tale perspective, and how that can set us up to fail in love. The book takes the reader through different roles women fall into while offering practical and useful strategies to avoid these dangerous traps that come from “fairy tale” thought patterns in love and life.

Sandra is a featured speaker of Key Note Speakers Canada.



  1. Anxiety and Depression in the Workplace
  2. Understand and Overcoming Anxiety and Stress
  3. Why so much Anxiety anyways? How we can change our children’s lives.


Living a Purposeful Life – Finding Meaning and Happiness Finally!

In this keynote presentation, Sandra offers audiences her tricks and strategies to live the life of our dreams. She shares why people get stuck personally as well as in business and find themselves not caring about themselves or the people around them and not knowing how to turn things around. Sandra empowers audiences with the tools they need to get rid of the toxicity and bad conflicts that hold us back in life. And she shares how to master living an “authentic life” that gives us everything we ever hoped for and more


In this keynote presentation, Sandra shares the fundamentals to a respectful relationship, something that is more important to sustaining relationships than any other factor. But how do you gain respect and where do you draw the line with consequences? Sandra’s research has proven that a culture without consequences creates chaos. And by learning to draw the line, you are taken seriously, are valued and cherished which all leads to respect . This talk can be geared to parents, personal relationships and corporate relationships

How Cinderella grew up and became a Happy and Empowered Woman (based on her #1 Best-seller)

Feel like everyone else is getting a better deal than you in the game of life and love? Do the same patterns keep showing up? Do you feel like you didn’t get your copy of the “rule book” of successful relationships and life? Tired of being treated without respect or appreciation when you are so caring and kind? In this keynote, Sandra gives you your power back by helping you understand your role in your own life and in your relationships; allowing you to change your life and love life including:

  • How your biology plays into every love interaction.
  • How to master the dance of love in male/female relationships.
  • How “caretaking” your partner will end up backfiring.
  • The seductive yet deadly trap of victimization-catch yourself before it determines your life and love relationships.
  • The self- sacrificing woman’s troubles ahead. How to get out of martyrdom complex.
  • Empowerment as the pathway to true happiness.

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