Training / Workshops

After years of successful outcomes and a specific approach that really makes that extra difference for individuals as well as groups – The Montreal Center for Anxiety and Depression offers experiential training and workshops on many diverse topics. We speak to professionals to offer supervision, guidance and knowledge on Psychological Topics as well as speaking to organizations and schools on topics that that help raise the evolvement of the audience.

Here are some of the workshops we have done in 2017.

Executivelinks, CJA, CLSC, Teachers Association , And more…

Youth Employment Services (Yes) Topic: Counter-transference: Understanding and Harnessing it

West Island Crisis Center: Training on how to successfully offer telephone interventions with clients who are suffering from chronic anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia – strategies and interventions

Centre ABC The Caregiver Project: “Strategies for Professionals To help the Anxious client”

Hebrew Foundation School:

  • Anxiety in Children – How to recognize and strategies to help
  • “Boundaries and Consequences- How to…”

West Island Community Resource Center: “Your angry, crying child may actually be anxious!”

And more…

Brunswick Medical Center on behalf of MCAD:

  • How good Self Esteem allows you to create the life you always wanted
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety
  • 3 steps to Personal Power
  • Is your glass half empty or half full?
  • Change your brain- Change your life

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To find out more information about our services or to receive a FREE 15 minute consultation (no obligation), please call:

Phone: 514-777-4530
Skype: mcad2011

To change, rebook or cancel your existing appointment, please call 514-777-4530


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